In March 1973, fifteen (15) individuals sought to create an institutional forum focused in the pursuit of common professional interest to public accountants.
To address a common goal, they established the Association of Certified Public Accountants in Commerce and Industry (ACPACI) with the founding members as the first set of directors and officers.
Through the years, membership increased and is composed of Comptrollers, Finance Officers and other executives affiliated with top corporations.
Today, ACPACI has become a truly cohesive group of professionals in the Commerce and Industry sectors sworn to provide quality financial and allied services directed to attaining effective business decisions. It now maintains active participation with other sectoral organizations in the accounting profession – the Association of CPAs in Public Practice (ACPAP), the Government Association of CPAs (GACPA), the Association of CPAs in Education (ACPAE) and is a dynamic member of the national organization of CPAs, the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
ACPACI Seeks to Upgrade Professional Development of CPA’s in Commerce and Industry.
In addition, it aims to:
Promote advancement of the accounting profession in the field of Commerce and Industry through research, seminars, discussions and dynamic exchange of knowledge amongst its members;
Assist members in addressing common problems in accounting, information systems, business finance, administration and management;
Promote high professionalism and adherence to established ethical standards in the performance of services and responsibilities;
Maintain effective liaison with the members of other sectoral organizations;
Assist and cooperate with the Board of Accountancy in the attainment of its objectives.
Participative Membership
ACPACI is a dynamic organization that keeps abreast with national developments taken from active participation and involvement by all the members. The monthly membership meetings sustain the Associations affairs and closer interaction to address and take a stand on relevant issues.
Where Learning Experience Takes Place
ACPACI is an institution that builds expertise and creates an environment of learning and fellowship. The annual convention provides a broader venue for interaction and freshens exchange of ideas in major developments in national and economic issues. It offers highly interesting sessions and current topics presented by experts and knowledgeable speakers. It also serves as a forum to make a firm stand on national and social issues through resolutions and position papers as approved by its members.
Continuing Professional Education Programme
ACPACI provides a good avenue for the continuing professional education of members through a series of seminars and lectures.
Social Development and Nation Building
The association undertakes social development projects in addition to the livelihood projects conducted to promote productivity and self-reliance for target beneficiaries. Through these projects, the Association recognizes the greater task ahead of us. Fulfillment of these responsibilities includes pooling of our individual talents and resources towards the attainment of national growth and development.
Mission Statement
We are cohesive group of Certified Public Accountants belonging to the commerce and industry sector. We are sworn to provide quality professional, financial services directed to the attainment of sound and effective business decisions.
We are a dynamic organization of individuals --
that keeps abreast of developments in accountancy
that shares knowledge, skills and benefits with in interested parties.
that seeks the common good for the welfare of all.
We are an institution that builds expertise.
We will --
attract, develop, and retain high-potential CPAs
provide continuing education programs for the members
create an environment of learning, social relevance and fellowship.
We will fulfill our responsibilities as dedicated professionals, as good citizens playing active roles in national issues and in promoting harmony in the community and in the environment.